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Costa Rica
Welcome to the TicoRico knowledge library around CostaRica,
WikiRico gives you in a very extensive way an insight into the life of the plants and tree world and of course the animal world.
Our goal is to create a knowledge database for all nature enthusiasts, travelers and generally for young and old.
“together we learn, we discover the nature of CostaRica”.
But it is not only about knowledge per se, we are mainly interested in learning how to interact with nature and its diversity. Every day we learn something new from nature and with nature. Therefore WikiRico will be developed in perspective as a very important educational tool for local schools and associations to share this information and especially to bring it closer to children.
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Discover the incredible diversity of Costa Rica's tree and plant life
Read moreThe diversity of
Costa Rica
Costa Rica has the greatest plant diversity in the world with trees, aquatic and terrestrial plants, flowers, plant species and great diversity of animals that amaze even experienced biologists.
Tennesse Warbler
Tiny, greenish warbler that breeds in boreal forest. Breeding males have lime-green back, pale blue-gray head, and dingy whitish underparts.
Syzygium Malaccense
The tree can grow up to 18 meters high. It flowers in early summer and bears fruit three months later. In Costa Rica, it flowers earlier and bears ripe fruit in April.
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Tropical Mockingbird
Silvery gray above and whitish below with a long rounded tail that is black with a bold white tip.
Cassia Grandis
This tree can grow up to 25 meters high with dark green foliage and very showy pink flowers in clusters.
Byrsonima Crassifolia
This is a slow growing large shrub or tree that can grow up to 10 meters tall. Its fruits are eaten raw or cooked as a dessert.
Peltogyne Purpure
Peltogyne purpure, shore tree also called Nazareno or because of its coloration in the interior Purpleheart.
Jacaranda Mimosifolia
The rosewood tree grows as a deciduous tree, reaching heights of 5 to 20 meters. Its bark is usually coarse, cracked to furrowed and grayish-brown in color when old.
Terminalia Oblonga
Terminalia oblonga, Surá, Guayabon, Surá is a large tree that can reach a height of 45 meters and a trunk circumference of 150 cm.
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The jaguar (Panthera onca) is a large cat species and the only living member of the genus Panthera native to the Americas.
Great Tailed Grackle
Large, lanky blackbird with flat crown and long tail. Males have ridiculously long tails, almost as long as their body, often held in a V-shape.
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Great Kiskadee
Large, boldly marked, and boisterous flycatcher. Rather stocky with large head and short tail.
Chrysophyllum Cainito
It grows as an evergreen tree to over 20 meters high. The fruits are edible, used raw and cooked. The seeds, skin and inner "bark" are not edible.
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Tabebuia Rosea
This is a neotropical tree that can grow up to 30 meters high. Its name Roble de Sabana , which means "savanna oak", is widely used in Costa Rica.
Calycophyllum Candidísimum
This tree, with a height of about 25 meters, is known for its flowering. Its wood (hardwood) is used for making bows and arrows.
Cedrela Odorata
The West Indian cedar is a plant species in the mahogany family and reaches a growth height of over 40 meters. The trunk diameter reaches up to 3 meters.
Platymiscium Curuense
This tree can grow up to 33 meters high and has become very rare, making it one of the trees in danger of extinction.
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Red Legged Honeycreeper
Small, warbler-like tanager of tropical lowlands. Favors forest edge, woodland, and semi-open areas with taller trees.
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Yellow throated Euphonia
The yellow-throated euphonia is a species of songbird in the family Fringillidae.
Swietenia Macrophylla
Swietenia macrophylla. Mahogany, caoba, mahagony, Evergreen or deciduous tree that grows up to 50 meters high.
Pithecellobium Saman
Is a plant species within the mimosa subfamily and can grow up to 20 meters high. At night it seems to rain lightly under its crown and under the tree the grass stays green much longer in the dry season.
Tabebuia Impetiginosa
Tabebuia impetiginosa, Purple Trumpet Tree, Cortez Negro, Black Trumpet
Tamarindus Indica
Tamarindus indica. Tamarind tree, tamarindo, tamarind The tamarind tree, also called Indian date or sour date, is the only species of the plant genus Tamarindus in the carob subfamily within the legume family.
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Crimson fronted parakeet
Mostly green with long, pointed tail. Red forehead. In flight, look for red patch under shoulder.
Yellow Troated Tucan
Large unmistakable toucan with a huge, rainbow-colored bill. Often seen in pairs, but not usually in groups like aracaris.
Guanacaste Blanco
The white guanacaste, Albizia niopoides belongs to the Fabaceae family and is deciduous in the dry season. It reaches a height of up to 25 meters.
Hymenaea Courbaril
Also called locust tree, can grow up to 40 meters high and has particularly hard wood which is popular for furniture, flooring and decoration.
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Summer Tanager
Large tanager with a hefty bill. Adult males are completely red; immature males are dull yellow-olive with blotchy patches of red.
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