Description: This is a hard, noblewood tree that is cut down for furniture making and other crafts, and has therefore unfortunately become rare.
Common Name: Astronium
Family: Anacardiaceae
Habitats: In southern Brazil it is found growing in almost pure stands on level basaltic outcrops that are almost devoid of soil. Wet forests in Argentina and Paraguay, favouring well-drained, sandy soils.
Range: S. America - northern Argentina, Paraguay, southern Brazil.
Minimal Planting Area: 20 SQM
Astronium graveolens. Ron Ron
This is a hard, noblewood tree that is cut down for furniture making and other crafts, and has therefore unfortunately become rare.
It reaches a height of up to 35 meters and has a bark that flakes off in a circular pattern. Its leaves turn red before falling off. It often grows in sunny areas, secondary forests and glades, making it an excellent choice for planting in full sun or recovering forests.
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