the country between two seas
Costa Rica
Costa Rica’s development has seen a number of serious interventions in the country’s once pristine natural environment. For example, more than 100 years ago, vast areas were cleared by private landowners as part of the ‘homestead decree’, i.e. the distribution of land to the needy.
Huge oak forests, which once grew up to the heights of the volcanic cordilleras, were simply processed into charcoal by the so-called carboneros. Another wave of deforestation was caused by the cattle ranching that developed in the 1960s, which, due to the favorable weather and its positive influence on the health of the animals, was expanded mainly in the province of Guanacaste, while rice farmers in the coastal lowlands of the province also contributed their share to the deforestation.
Today, Costa Rica meets almost 100% of its energy needs from renewable sources, mainly guaranteed by hydroelectric power.
Also, through the creation of many national parks, about 25% of the country is already protected, which is unique in the world. This created a national rethinking and the country quickly took a pioneering role in global nature conservation. More and more, once relatively unproductive pasture and meadow areas have been successfully reforested through fallowing, which has been supported by the government with annual compensation payments.
Nevertheless, much remains to be done, especially at the private level. Laws prohibit the felling of native species, but in many places one still frequently encounters transports of huge tree trunks.

San José is the capital and largest city of Costa Rica, and the capital of the province of the same name. It is in the center of the country, in the mid-west of the Central Valley, within San José Canton.
Elevation: 1,172 m
Population: 339,581 (2017)
It will be expanded over time
And this is just the beginning
Springs, rivers and streams
And we continue to plant
Will be protect in our project
Our Project bind 1075 tons of CO2 per year
the flagship for sustainability
Save Nature
With our “Save Nature” project we are taking all the necessary measures to lay the foundation for sustainable nature conservation with the goal of creating and further developing a fully protected nature reserve.
In the last decades, due to the industrial destruction especially of hardwoods and tropical woods, many native species have been forced to retreat from the areas.
In addition to protecting the existence of plant species, some of which are threatened with extinction, we are also ensuring a safe habitat for the diverse animal world by creating these protected areas.
In this way we support the valuable work of several animal breeding stations in the region, which are committed to the reintroduction of the once widespread animal species, e.g. tucans, macaws and sloths. Its success depends on intact, as untouched as possible forests with all the tree and plant diversity. It is therefore indispensable that it needs a protected habitat and natural food source.
Exactly here we start and create with our TicoRico “Save Nature” a safe basis to reach this goal on the one hand and also to preserve the green lung of “Mother Earth” the power to maintain its healthy cycle.
There is no other topic in the world which unites all people. We tackle it with our hands.
You can be part of it and support us in our goal.
the flagship for sustainability
Create Ressources
“Create Ressources” is our vision to give back to nature – something that we consume in everyday life without replacement. It is no secret that the global destruction of rainforest is damaging the cycle of nature. Our goal is to accelerate the renaturation through our project and to re-create a primary forest-like structure.
Based on our “Save Nature” project, it includes the planting of native tree species, some of which are threatened with extinction or even no longer exist regionally.
We and you are recreating nature.
But it is important to understand how this reforestation has to take place. In order to reach our goal as quickly as possible and naturally, we work with local and experienced partners who have the necessary know-how.
You can find out how reforestation works in our knowledge library.
The general planting time in Costa Rica is the end of the dry season, this varies a bit but usually it is end of April/beginning of May every year. This is when the natural conditions are best for seeding.
In advance, the trees/plants are grown as seedlings in suitable greenhouses and later released at the beginning of the planting season.
Of course, each tree needs its own space to develop and flourish to its full glory, so it is necessary to provide the optimal area for successful growth.
Therefore, please do not be surprised that if you want to support us, it will happen that depending on the selection of the desired tree, the corresponding footprint will be automatically adjusted.
the flagship for sustainability
TicoRico “Social” consists of various social and regional commitments.
In the future, we will invest in selected projects that will show the current, but primarily the upcoming generations, the importance of a healthy interaction with nature.
“We pave the way to bring the awareness for nature back into the heads of the people”.
A sustainable nature conservation consists just not only of the creation of resources or through the protection of flora & fauna. We are already in talks with local schools and institutions to develop a program where children learn from nature and with nature. Where is the best place to start here – with our children. Because, as is so often the case, parents learn from their children and so the circle closes.
Planned are various programs, via direct personal communication but also through digital developments that are contemporary, informative and nurturing.
For all projects of our vision we create jobs in the local population which are supported and implemented by our own personal investments, your long-term sponsorships but also by investors and crowdfunding projects.
Together we create something important !