Description: The yellow-throated euphonia is a species of songbird in the family Fringillidae.
Common Name: Euphonia hirundinacea
Family: Fringillidae
Habitats: Found in forest canopy, adjacent clearings with trees, gardens. Usually in pairs, sometimes small groups that associate readily with other euphonias, especially when feeding at mistletoe.
Range: It is found in southeastern Mexico and throughout Central America with its range stretching from Belize south to western Panama.
Tiny finch of tropical lowlands and foothills, mainly in humid areas. Found in forest canopy, adjacent clearings with trees, gardens. Usually in pairs, sometimes small groups that associate readily with other euphonias, especially when feeding at mistletoe. Male has rich yellow throat and underparts (lacks black throat of male Scrub Euphonia); female has pale grayish throat and yellow sides creating a vested appearance. Young male looks like female with an adult male head stuck.